Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pee, poop and no paci!

hmmm...i started potty training Tyler! the end is in sight...i just have to convince him that poop is supposed to go into the potty...we'll see how long that takes. He had one accident today...but is loving his donut hole rewards! he's gonna be a chunky potty trained little, um, big boy! I cried this morning as i looked at all of my kids getting out of the car going into gabby's pre-school...she's having a Christmas party at SCHOOL, Ty's potty training, oh, and yes, Lex has been Paci free for almost a month! I'll put up some pics later...but wanted to let you all know that we're only two days into potty training ty, and i am praying (yes, you can pray for this) for an easy potty training...maybe not even easy, just short! Hope this finds you all well!

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