Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sorry for the delay...

Wow...what a weekend i've had! i say that with the most sarcasm. I thought it was allergies. I've had it since at least friday with a culmination late saturday through this morning. I guess allergies could last that long...but wow was i miserable! I still feel like my head is going to explode, but at least most of the pain is gone. I'll post more on our vacation later today...i'm getting a bit behind on everything! Maybe i'll also get to the 4th of july - hey...not too much going on around here.

Jeremy put the old swingset up...not sure where he's planning to put it permanently, but right next to the driveway isn't what i was thinking...but it's up and the kids like it, so that's good enough for now.

My dad and mom came over last week and mom helped me put up Gabby's new bed and dad started weeding the front flower beds (thanks for the jumpstart daddy! you did a lot of work - you probably shouldn't have done...btw! But it got me thinking i could actually do it...i did a little bit more, but got sick - hopefully by the end of the week i'll get some more done!) We moved Gabby back to what is to be her's and Lexi's room - but now lex is in with Tyler...We figure that Gabby needs to have her own place to go - seeing as how there's very few naptimes for her and now she's got her own desk under her bed where we can do some preschool stuff while her siblings are sleeping next door! Now i just need to get the other two monkies on the same napping schedule.

I've just cleaned out some more kids stuff (the changing table and the crib is going as soon as Lex is ready for the big girl bed - should be just about in time for the garage sale)! I'm sad and excited to be getting rid of some of these things! I'll keep what i want for memories sake, but i'll be glad to get rid of the big stuff so that there can be room in the kids rooms for "kid" stuff! Now to get all my stuff ready and priced for a garage sale...i've never done this before! we'll see how it goes! that's it for now...like i said, i'll post more vacay later today if i get my kids napping together...

1 comment:

The Brogger's said...

Hey Tell's!! Glad to see you have a blog so we can keep tabs on you.

Your kids are so cute and have grown so much since we've seen you last. But I guess that's what kids do, grow.
