Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The baby...

We've gone COUNTRY!
my baby...my first born...my beautiful little girl...is officially signed up for pre-school. We did the two day program, as she's too young for kindergarden, and this will just be a healthy taste for what is coming. She's excited, for now anyway, and we got her letter stating when she, and her loving parents, can go and visit her classroom and meet her teacher(s). Wow...my baby has a teacher. I cried. I'll admit it...I cried. Not hard, just enough...There is also an openhouse open if the grandparents would like to see where she's going, etc...but i'll e-mail those that it pertains to later.

On another note, Jeremy thinks that the gravity was different down south, as our baby (this time i really am referring to the baby) seems to not want to walk anymore. She just hits the floor once anyone lets go of her hand. She's tried it again a couple times since we got back, but really has no interest. Oh well, it keeps her as my baby a little longer. she is however, enjoying climbing...in particular on the little rocking chairs that we have, but now she climbs in and stands up...accident waiting to happen.
Mr. T - is acting like a two year old with an older sibling. Whatever Gabby does or says - Ty has to do it too. He copies everything! He also calls her "Ra". Really, i don't know where he got this from. We call her "Z", Gabby, Gab, Bean...so where "ra" came from, i don't really know...One of these days i'll get him calling her that on video...I'll see what i can put up here from our vacation...

1 comment:

BAHowells said...

Okay- so I'm WAAAAAAAY behind times! I think I heard thru a grapevine or something that you ahd a blog and TODAY I finally got to see it for myself!
NICE WORK!!! and yay to you! ;)
THanks for the vacation pics. It looks like you guys had an amazing time...what a cute little nephew you have!! Looks like his cousins I think ;)